
Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Would compete in a waka ama race

would i compete in a waka ama race. No because its to much work and because you have to use a lot of upper body strength. wich I don't have thats why. 

Friday, 9 February 2018

Vivian's Pepeha.

Vivians Pepeha
        Ko    moengeroa  te maunga    The mountain that I affiliate* to is…
        Ko    te hue hue  te awa          The river that I affiliate to is….
        Ko    ngatokimatawhaorua   te waka The waka that I affiliate to is…
        Ko  hector busby me papa percy    tōku tupuna My founding ancestor is…
        Ko   ngapuhi me ngati porou tōku iwi          My tribe is…
        Ko  ngai tawake ki te waoru me ngati whiu. tōku hapu My sub-tribe is…
        Ko  kaingahoa  tōku marae My marae is…
        Ko vivian ahau I am from…
        Ko daniel  rāua ko georgine  ōku mātua  My parents are daniel and georgine